St. Louis Commercial Photography

Specializing in food and product photography

michellehavens cropMichelle Havens has been involved in studio photography for her entire career as a photo stylist, producer and lead photographer. She received a Bachelor's degree in Photographic Illustration from Kent State University and quickly gained professional experience in shooting all formats of commercial film via work in Washington D.C., Cleveland, Ohio and St. Louis.

Michelle transitioned to digital studio photography in the mid 1990s. For the last 20 years, she has done commercial work for a variety of national and international companies including Panera, Whole Foods, ConAgra, Anheuser Busch, Dr. Pepper and Ahold. 

She continues to expand her expertise via personal artistic endeavors. 


Recently awarded a 2018 Artist-In-Residence through the Petrified Forest National Park, she completed a photo documentation titled, "The Land, Culture and Sustenance." It uses the unique beauty of the Petrified Forest National Park and its surrounding Painted Desert to creating a visual narrative connecting the land to local cultures, and showcase the current interest in Native American cuisine.